Jawline contouring in Bern

Dr. med. David Kiermeir
Specialist for plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery (FMH)
more than 15 years of surgical experience
since 12 years exclusively active in the field of plastic and aesthetic surgery
over 6,000 performed surgeries
Facts about jawline contouring
Treatment duration: | approx. 15 minutes |
Anaesthesia: | local anaesthetic |
Hospital stay: | outpatient |
Removal of sutures: | not applicable |
Presentable: | immediately |
Cost: | from CHF 600 |
Clearly defined facial contours are important elements of an attractive, harmonious face. However, as the years go by, these contours become less pronounced as our skin loses its tone and volume, causing it to sag and drop. Skin tissue becomes looser, which makes the jawline appear less defined.
Jawline contouring is an effective way to counter this development. The treatment involves injecting the jawline with hyaluronic acid to add tone and definition, thereby returning lost volume to the lower part of your face. The result is a jawline with new definition.
Jawline contouring can be used to rectify a range of issues. If your cheeks tend to sag, or if you feel your jawline could be more attractively proportioned, we can use jawline contouring to make specific corrections. Jawline contouring is also an attractive option for men, as it can add tone to a less defined jawline and create a more masculine appearance.
FAQs about jawline contouring
How much our skin sags is, to some extent, determined by our genes. Nevertheless, you can prevent your skin from ageing prematurely by eating a balanced diet and ensuring you always protect your face against UV radiation. Doing plenty of exercise, getting enough sleep and avoiding stress can also help you keep your complexion fresh and young. It is also important to avoid nicotine and alcohol as far as possible, as these intoxicants can significantly accelerate skin ageing.
Here at our practice in Bern, we primarily use hyaluronic acid for jawline correction treatments. Once injected, it acts as a natural water store and restores lost volume to the skin. Using hyaluronan as a filler allows us to carefully shape the jawline and hide any uneven areas and imperfections.
You will be able to see the effects of a jawline correction immediately after the treatment. The hyaluronan can shift in the skin during the first 14 days, so the final results will only become clear after a few weeks. We can perform a follow-up treatment if minor adjustments are required.
On average, the results of jawline corrections with hyaluronic acid last about a year. Administering regular top-up treatments allow us to achieve long-lasting results.
You should take it easy for a couple of days after jawline contouring and avoid doing any exercise. It is also important to avoid putting any pressure on your chin or jawline for the first 14 days. You should protect your skin against exposure to direct sunlight for a few days after the treatment. It is also important that you do not visit the sauna or solarium for a short while.
Immediately after the treatment, you may experience some slight swelling and redness. In some cases, tiny bruises may also develop. Such side effects are generally harmless and can easily be hidden with a little make-up.
Hyaluronic acid occurs naturally in the human body, so our patients tend to tolerate the substance very well. Allergic reactions are extremely rare. You should also not experience any pain after a hyaluronan treatment.
You can get back to your everyday routine straight away after jawline contouring. If some slight swelling or bruises appear in the first few days following the treatment, you can hide it with a little make-up.
If you would like to create a new sense of harmony between your facial contours overall, we can put together a holistic treatment concept for you. In our facial design service, we take every aspect of your face into account. Our goal is to accentuate your features and subtly conceal any problem areas. The treatment will afford your face a renewed sense of youthful radiance and harmony.
Who would be suited to jawline correction?
Jawline contouring is a particularly suitable treatment for people whose facial tissues have already begun to drop. This often results in slightly sagging cheeks, which we can conceal with fillers. We plump up your skin and restore lost volume, leaving your face beaming with youthful vigour and freshness once again.
Jawline corrections can be used to soften a prominent, pronounced jawline or to add greater definition, particular for men seeking a stronger jawline. Hyaluronan injections are not always used to make your jaw and chin more pronounced. Experienced practitioners can compensate for any uneven areas without visibly adding volume to the jaw area.
How can the jawline contour be enhanced?
If your jawline is not particularly defined, we would perform jawline contouring using fillers. This adds volume to the jawline, which accentuates the contour of your jaw. This treatment also allows us to correct or compensate for visible imperfections, such as sagging cheeks. We precisely inject fillers to straighten your jawline.
In most cases, the filling material we rely on is hyaluronic acid. As hyaluronic acid occurs naturally in the human body, it is not only very well tolerated by patients but also hydrates the skin, reversing the loss of hydration caused by ageing. It restores volume to the lower half of the face and counters any sagging.
Outline of jawline correction treatment
When it comes to jawline contouring, it is important that the specialist treating you always takes your individual facial features into account. Ultimately, the treatment will alter your facial contours and therefore has an influence on your facial expression. This is why, at our practice, we plan every treatment according to each patient’s individual needs. We will invite you to a personal consultation and provide you with precise information about your course of treatment.
Jawline contouring treatment sessions only last around 15 minutes. We apply a topical anaesthetic to numb the skin, which should make the injections practically pain-free for you. In the next step, we gently inject the hyaluronan gel into the skin at specific locations.
After the treatment, you can leave the practice straight away without any limitations on your daily routine. You only need to take care not to touch the treated areas too often and to avoid exposing them to direct sunlight.
Opening hours
Monday | 8.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. |
Tuesday | 8.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. |
Wednesday | 8.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. |
Thursday | 8.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. |
Friday | 8.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m. |
and by appointment